Web links to CIC Associates:
- Alex Kacelnik, Behavioural Ecology Research, Oxford University, UK: www.users.ox.ac.uk
- Alex Olde Kalter and Janny van Wijk, EAIE - European Association of International Education, The Nederlands: www.eaie.org
- Antonina Baio, Unité Egalité des Chances, Conseil De L'Europe, France: www.coe.int
- Bruno Woeran, LEO-NET - Leveraging Education into Organisations: www.Leo-Net.org
- Carla Kist, Universiteit Utrecht, The Nederlands: www.uu.nl
- David Pinto, Interculturalist, The Nederlands: www.davidpinto.nl
- Geneviève Emond, MUZA, Creative Educational Solutions, Switzerland: www.muza-education.com
- Gert Jan Hofstede,author, University of Wageningen: www.gertjanhofstede.com
- Holger Arnbjerg, University of the Faroe Islands: www.setur.fo
- Jerry Turner, University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland: www.fh-aargau.ch and www.goglobal.ch
- Jon Dujmovich, Imgination Ink, Japan: www.imaginationink.biz
- Karin Frydenlund, Lund University, International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics, Sweden: www.iiiee.lu.se
- Marilyn Fogg, Language training, www.lantraining.net
- Marlies Tjallingii, Conflict mediation, NL: www.ruzieleerschool.nl
- Miguel Rodriguez: Stichting Centro Cultural de Hispanohablantes, The Netherlands: www.hispanohablantes.nl
- Monica Repas, Living cultures, Zurich, www.livingcultures.biz
- Monika de Waal, change management, www.uniquesources.nl
- Paul Catteuw, Karel de Grote-Hogeschool, Belgium:: www.kdg.be
- Richard Pearce, International education: www.inted.demon.co.uk
- Sandra van Ark, International School for Humanities and Social Sciences, Universiteit van Amsterdam: www.ishss.uva.nl
- Smaranda Calin, ICAR Foundation (Centre for the Rehabilitation of Torture Victims), Romania www.icarfoundation.ro
- Sonya Taibina, Philips, EMEA Recruitment Services, The Netherlands: www.philips.com/about/careers
- Verona Groverman, development consultancy, The Netherlands: www.groverman.nl
Organisations with which CIC maintains professional contacts:
CES, Centre for European Studies Maastricht: www.ces.unimaas.nl
EAIE, European Association of International Education: www.eaie.nl
EARCOS, East Asia Regional Council of Overseas Schools: www.earcos.org
ECIS, European Council of International Education: www.ecis.org
Nedworc, networking in development cooperation, www.nedworc.org
SIETAR Europe, Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research: www.sietar-europa.org
Stichting Centro Cultural de Hispanohablantes, The Netherlands: www.hispanohablantes.nl
Tilburg University, Working abroad, www.tilburguniversity.nl
Webster University’s graduate programmes: www.webster.edu